Director Sessions

.Narrators have limited opportunities to work with a director. Even when working in a mainstream studio, there is rarely time to delve deep into the text, to develop the performance or to refine characters. Without an extended rehearsal period, the process is more like a day trip than a voyage of discovery. 

Imagine then,  how wonderful if would be to work one-to-one with a director, having the opportunity to dig deep into a piece of text, to un-peel the layers of a story, discovering how to read the clues on the page that help create vibrant narrative and compelling and believable characters. This is what working on a one-to-one direction session can achieve. Whether refining a selection of samples for a website, an audition piece, the opening chapters of a book, or even the first fifteen minutes of a project — connecting with a second pair of ears to guide and question, to help polish and none a narration can be an exhilarating and illuminating experience.

As well as short director sessions — I offer thirty minute, one and two hour long director sessions, I also direct complete projects, including dual and duet and multi-voice narration.  When a narrator feels stuck in a rut, connecting with a director throughout the recording of an entire book, collaborating and supporting, can be a game changer.